The Creation of the Solar System as told by the Atlantians
An Ancient Atleantian dais dating from there most ancient times, clearly depicts our solar system consisting of twelve (the early Atlantians counted the Sun and Moon as planets) celestial bodies, in their correct orbit around the Sun. Indeed, the dais shows all of the known planets, as well as another, considerably larger than Earth, yet smaller than Jupiter or Saturn.
This twelfth planet, depicted situated between Mars and Jupiter is constantly referred to by the Atlantians as Nibiru (Marduk) - the planet of the Celestials
According to the Atlantians in the beginning only three celestial bodies existed - Apsu (the Sun), Mummu (Mercury) and an unfamiliar planet called Tiamat.
Next, the planets of Lahmu (Mars) and Lahamu (Venus) were formed, followed quickly by Anshar (Saturn) and Kishar (Jupiter). Some time then passed, and a third pair was brought forth. First came Anu (Uranus), followed by its twin Nudimmud (Neptune).
There was yet another planet to be accounted for among these outer planets, the one we call Pluto. The “Epic of Creation” tells us that Gaga (Pluto) was actually a moon of Saturn.
SUN: Apsu, “ one who existed from the beginning”
MERCURY: Mummu, “ counselor and emissary of Apsu”
VENUS: Lahamu, “Lady of battles”
MARS: Lahmu, “deity of war”
??: Tiamat, “maiden who gave life”
JUPITER: Kishar, “foremost of firm lands”
SATURN: Anshar, “foremost of the heavens”
PLUTO: Gaga, “counselor and emissary of Anshar”
URANUS: Anu, “he of the heavens”
NEPTUNE: Nudimmud (Ea), “artful creator”
So where were the Earth and the Moon? They were yet to be created, products of the forthcoming cosmic collision. With the end of the majestic drama of the birth of the planets, the authors of the Creation epic now raise the curtain on Act II, on a drama of celestial turmoil.
The newly created family of planets was far from being stable. The planets were gravitating toward each other; they were conveying on Tiamat, disturbing and endangering the primordial bodies. The epic then decibels how the unstable planets surged back and forth toward each other, till finally Neptune “cast a spell over Apsu” putting it to sleep, and thus ending the gravitational turmoil of the planets. This also meant that any new planets could only come from outside the solar system, as Apsu could no longer create new planets.

In Act III, a new celestial “god” a new planet now joins the cast. He was formed in the Deep, far out in space, in a zone where orbital motion had been imparted to him. This planet was eventually attracted to the solar system by the gravitational pull of the outer planets. As it appeared from outer space, the new planet Marduk, was still belching fire and radiation. As Marduk entered the solar systemmany things changed forever. Indeed, the epics narrative now takes us along Marduks speeding path. He first passes Neptune, the planet that pulled him in. As he passes, the gravitational pull cause Marduk to bulge, as though he had “a second head”. No part of Marduk was torn off at this point, but as he reached the vicinity of Uranus, chunks of matter began to tear away, resulting in the formation of the four satellites (moons) of Marduk.
Judging by the description, Marduk was entering the system in a counter clock wise direction, the opposite of the systems orbital direction. It soon entered the mighty clutches of Saturn's pull, then Jupiter's, causing its path further inwards into the center of the solar system into the path of Tiamat. The approach of Marduk soon began to disturb Tiamat and the inner planets (Mars, Venus, Mercury). The gravitational pull of the large approaching planet soon began to tear away parts of Tiamat. From her mist emerged eleven satellites who “marched at the side of Tiamat”.
Of particular importance to the epic and to the ancient cosmogony was Tiamat’s chief satellite, who was named Kingu. Subjected to conflicting gravitational pulls, this large satellite of Tiamat began to shift toward Marduk. Eventually, Marduk was attracted by to the giant Saturn, however, Marduks own gravitational pull managed to dislodge Saturn's largest moon Gaga/Pluto, thus setting it into its own orbit.

Marduk then leaves the system, only to return later and create more havoc. Indeed, on the planets return trip, it manages to upset Uranus's tilt, forcing it onto its side. Then as it approaches Tiamat, one of Marduks moons (“Northwind”) actually impacts directly onto Tiamat

shattering the giant water planet. Again Marduk leaves and returns into the solar system, this time itself colliding with what is left of Tiamat
Half of Tiamat is obliterated, and thrown into the orbit that is now the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The second half of Tiamat (still intact) was also forced into a new path— a path that no other planet was using. This half of Tiamat is known to us as Earth You may also remember Kingu. Kingu was eventually caught firmly in Tiamats gravitational pull, and as luck would have, it was positioned on the side of Tiamat that survived the impact in other words, Kingu is our Moon
Finally all the planets were in place, and Marduk now returns on its huge elliptical orbit into our solar system every 3,600 years, without causing to much fuss.
A few interesting points the Atantian texts mention can actually be verified by science. Firstly, if you were to drain all of the water from Earth, you would find only half of the solid ground that should be there. Science knows this, and the Atlantians explained it. Likewise, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter cannot be explained by astronomers as to how it got there you see, its mass is too great to be a broken up comet, and its mass is too less to be a partially formed planet , but the Atlantians can explain it. Furthermore, science tells us that technically, our Moon is too large for this planet, and they’re right, because it once belonged to a much larger planet, twice the size of Earth in fact.